Let the articles flow


Menstrual Cups and Environmental Impact

Menstrual Cups and Environmental Impact

Let's talk about how your beloved menstrual cup compares to traditional tampons in terms of environmental impact.
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Period Self-Care for Weird and Stressful Times

Period Self-Care for Weird and Stressful Times

So it’s incredibly frustrating that a lot of us are still having to deal with periods while everything is so weird and stressful out in the world right now. That said, your period can also serve as a reminder to take a moment to look after yourself and focus on some much needed self care. 

Here are three things we’ve put together that we hope you find helpful.

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Part of a vintage advertisement featuring two women standing on a boardwalk in front of a beach. The headline reads, "Misty Summer Things" and below it in smaller text, "Wear Them Now Without Hesitancy Under Most Trying of Hygienic Conditions"

The History of Menstrual Products

Have you ever wondered about the history behind menstrual products as we know them today? Read on to discover the fascinating story of menstrual products, from the ingenuity of ancient civilizations to modern day innovation.
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An Update Regarding COVID-19

An Update Regarding COVID-19

Aisle is committed to a safe and secure working environment; taking care of each other and our community is a priority.
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Woman removing lipstick while looking in a handheld mirror

Why Are We Still Fighting Getting Older?

Getting older might change our bodies or the way we look, but it gives us a whole lot more than it takes away.

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A transgender woman in a hospital gown being treated by a doctor, a transgender man.

UTIs and Periods

Just. The. Worst.

Let's get that infection gone.

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A woman in a white dress gently holding a strawberry.

Growing Pains: Learning to Love Your Vulva

Love your vulv.
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Self-Care For The Best. Autumn. Ever.

Self-Care For The Best. Autumn. Ever.

Here’s six ways to you can take care of yourself as we approach the winter season.
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Mental Health and Your Period

Mental Health and Your Period

Sadness, frustration, and anger are emotions we typically associate with hormonal fluctuations both before and during menstruation, but what if you also have mental illness to contend with on top of PMS?
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A lesbian couple touching nose-to-nose and smiling. The room is dark and they have fairy lights on their heads and shoulders.

Period Sex Myths To Put In The Trash

Let's debunk some of the myths, anxieties and half-truths surrounding sex during menstruation!
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Period Tracking Apps and Your Privacy

Period Tracking Apps and Your Privacy

Everything you need to know about protecting your privacy and data when using period tracking apps.

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A group of friends of varying genders playing with popcorn at a party.

"But I Don't Bleed!" Honoring Your Cycles For People Without Uteruses

Not everyone has a menstrual cycle - but we're all living cyclical lives.
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